Before you pack your plastic Easter eggs away for the year, use them to make homemade egg-shaped treats to hang in your chicken run. Truth be told, I got this idea from Lovilee Lifestyle Blog and added my own twist.
Here’s What You Need:
1/3 Cup of Gelatin Powder
2 Cups of Water
8 Cups of Happy Tract
Plastic Easter Eggs
How to Use Plastic Eggs for Chicken Treats:
1. Add the gelatin to water and mix in a saucepan. Heat the mixture up until the gelatin dissolves.
2. Add Happy Tract to the gelatin mixture and stir well.
3. Add the mixture to the plastic eggs and refrigerate for 2 hours.
Photo Credit: Lauren Kim Photography on Lovilee
4. Remove the egg-shaped treats from the molds and tie a ribbon around them.
Photo Credit: Lauren Kim Photography on Lovilee
5. Hang in your chicken run and watch your hens enjoy their homemade treats!
Not only will your flock enjoy the added variety in their day and their diet, but they’ll also benefit from the protein, essential oils, prebiotics, multi-grains, cracked corn and sunflower seeds found in Happy Tract! It’s a win-win situation that will use your Easter eggs one last time while providing a healthy snack for your chickens.
Until next time,
The Wing Lady