If you’re a backyard chicken keeper, there is really nothing compared to the eggs your “girls” provide for your family. The eggs are not only delicious, but there is something so fulfilling about raising your own food. Heading out to the coop each day to collect your breakfast is one of the most rewarding parts of chicken keeping!
If you have different breeds of chickens, you may have a variety of egg colors. If you’re one of those people who “only eats white eggs”, do your research and make sure you have the appropriate chickens. My very first chickens laid mostly white eggs. My second flock laid mostly brown. I’m eagerly awaiting my current flocks’ “first egg”.
I have Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff Brahma Bantams and Black Jersey Giants. These ladies should lay mostly brown eggs. I’m not picky as far as color goes, but I picked these breeds for their winter hardiness and docile natures. Eventually, I’d love to add some Easter Eggers to our flock to try and get some blue and green eggs as well. It really is personal preference.
Raising healthy chickens is vital to egg quality and taste. I love to use Chicken E-lixir™ in my water. This promotes healthy digestive systems, immunity, egg shell quality, and also contains electrolytes to make sure your girls are staying hydrated. The added bonus is that your flocks will love the taste! They’ll literally “flock” to it!
If you are wanting a variety of egg colors, you can definitely make that happen! However, when choosing your chickens, please take into consideration your weather patterns and environment, and if the desired breed thrives in that location.
When I was researching egg color, I came across a great reference from the Fresh Eggs Daily® blog by Lisa Steele. She references which breed of chickens lay what color eggs. If you want a rainbow of egg colors, I would invite you to check out her post.
Tips From Annie
Make sure you’re feeding your hens a quality chicken feed.
Make sure they always have plenty of fresh water available.
If your eggshells seem thin, you can provide your hens crushed oyster shells. This helps regulate their calcium needs when they’re in the prime of their laying.
Allowing your gals to “free-range” and have the opportunity to eat plants and insects will also enhance your egg quality.
Use Strong Animals Chicken Essentials products to promote health and vitality.
Spend time with them! A happy hen will be a good producing hen.