If you've seen our social media posts lately, you know that we've proudly added four new baby chicks to our flock this month. To say I was excited was an understatement! Rosemary, Big Betsy, Scarlet O’Henna, and Opal are growing rapidly and adjusting well. It’s only February here in Minnesota, so it’s a bit early for “chick days.” I may have jumped the gun a little, but it all worked out great!
I ordered my chicks via the mail. My sister also ordered some chicks, so together, we had enough for them to ship to chilly Minnesota. But, for the record, we've also purchased chicks from our local farm supply store and hatched our own in an incubator! There's nothing quite as cute as new chicks!
If you’re a chicken lover like me, your mind continues to dream about what chickens you'll add to your flock next. For me, temperament and egg color are top priorities, but I also have to consider our weather here in Minnesota.
Regardless of the type of chicks you’re going to add, here are a couple of things to consider:
Please prepare BEFORE you bring your chicks home! Do your research, set up a brooder and make sure you’ll be able to check on them fairly often.
Consider the time of year you’re adding them. Spring is the most common time to add to our flock here (due to the weather). That means we’re close. However, if you live in warmer climates, there’s no time like the present! Haha! I’d have 100 if I lived somewhere warm.
Get your chicks adjusted to their brooder ASAP. Transporting chicks through the mail or even from your farm supply store to your home can be stressful for them!
Purchase a Baby Chick Care Kit from your local farm supply store. The kit includes Chick E-lixir™, Coop Recuperate™, and First Peep™. These three products will ensure that your chicks have a great start for their growing digestive, respiratory, and immune systems. They’re all natural and use organic essential oils instead of antibiotics!
Fun fact: I haven't lost one chicken to illness! I know that the Chicken Essential products play a huge role in this!
If you’re a backyard chicken keeper, your chickens are more than likely your pets—not just breakfast producers! Knowing they’re receiving everything they need will help reduce your stress levels and theirs! Do yourself and your chickens a favor and make these products part of your routine.
When your Baby Chick Care Kit runs out, no worries! You can buy larger sizes of the Chicken E-lixir and Coop Recuperate from the site, your farm supply store or Amazon! They also have a product called Flock-Fixer™ for times of stress. The people at Strong Animals understand how vital our feathered friends are to us. Therefore, they’ve made their products easy to use with all our health in mind!
Until next time,
-The Wing Lady