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  • Writer's pictureAnnie

Take Your Daily Vitamin & Your Chickens Too

Updated: Apr 17

How many of you take a daily vitamin on a regular basis? As much as I’d love to tell you that my cooking provides all the nutrients my growing family needs, that wouldn’t be the whole truth! My entire family takes a high-quality daily multivitamin. Did you know that not all vitamins are created equal? Talk to your local healthcare provider to find out which vitamins are best for you and your family.

So, what do vitamins have to do with chickens? I give my flock a daily vitamin too! Chicken E-lixir™ by Strong Animals Chicken Essentials is my go-to. Chicken E-lixir™ is a natural vitamin packed water additive that contains a unique blend of organic oregano essential oil, prebiotics, calcium, vitamins D & E and electrolytes. These components help keep your flock healthy by supporting their immune function and digestion system for strong chickens with safe, natural eggs.

As our culture shifts our approach to health, we as consumers are reading labels and paying more attention to what we’re putting in our bodies. Chicken E-lixir™ has natural ingredients, so I feel good about the eggs I’m feeding my family. And as a mom, having safe, natural eggs is really important to me! My family may not be perfect in our eating, but we try to make healthy choices wherever we can.

The best part about using Chicken E-lixir™? It's carefully formulated and so easy to use! One (1) capful per gallon of water is all it takes! Click this link for more product info!

Giving your flock Chicken E-lixir™ will:

  • Support their immunity

  • Help improve eggshell quality

  • Promote digestive health

Believe me when I say, your chickens will “flock” to their vitamin packed water. I know mine do! Until next time, take your vitamins and give them to your chickens too!

-The Wing Lady


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