backyard chicken care made easy
For decades, Strong Animals has used plant-based products and natural approaches to promote the health and vitality of chickens. Our products contain organic essential oils, prebiotics and other natural ingredients to support digestive health. Give your chicks and chickens what they need to thrive with Strong Animals products.

Before trying Coop Recuperate™, I had run through the usual suspects trying to keep my coop dry and smelling fresh: lime, diatomaceous earth, zeolite - even herbs. After sprinkling Coop Recuperate with the organic eucalyptus and lemon grass essential oils on my coop floor and in the nesting boxes, I'll never use anything else. My coop smells so sweet, sometimes I go hang out in there pretending to be spending quality time with my chickens - but in reality, it just smells so great inside, it's hard to leave. And as an added bonus, bugs don't think it smells so great.
Lisa / Fresh Eggs Daily
I didn’t realize how good oregano can be for chickens. It is a natural antioxidant that keeps chickens healthy instead of using antibiotics. I use Chicken E-lixir™ everyday in our water and it works. It is so easy, I just add a cap full in my water. It has organic oregano essential oils right in it.
Ellen / Sioux City, Iowa